Ivy is really too small a word for what this plant is, and how useful and flexible it is.

We have it custom manufactured to our spec in different formats, sizes and colours, and it’s unique to us. Rain and UV resistant, and colour fast like all of our outdoor range, of course, with really good leaf detail and texture close up.

It’s also as tough as old boots, made from the sort of robust fabric that would be great for a backpack or parachute, but which might prove a little too challenging as underwear...

Ivy is a perfect solution when you want to distract from - rather than obscure, a view. Or where living walls or topiary hedges are too formal, too dense or might take up too much depth.

We can vary the density, make it appear to grow in one direction or another, plant it wild and straggly or keep it neat. It’s also something we can build onto a pretty-much-invisible custom mesh to ship worldwide, so it can be easily fixed to an existing structure.

This set of pictures shows a variety of applications, but its uses are only limited by the dexterity of our elves’ tiny fingers. As always, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it!